My last Puregold event gentle nudge to remind me about my PRIORITIES this 2014 through this book that I got from renowned wealth coach and radio anchor CHINKEE TAN.

CHINK + (positive) is one of the 5 books written by Chinkee Tan that talks about achieving personal inspiration and inspiring other people.  The other four books are Till Debt Do Us Part (Practical Tips to Financial Freedom), For Richer For Poorer, How I Made My 1st Million in Direct Selling and his latest Rich God Poor God.

chinkee tan

Attending a VIPuring Convention is indeed a very rewarding personal experience for me, I remember the first time, it was author and financial adviser Francisco Colayco who shared about business trends and our peso worth.  That was December last year and it was held at the PureGold theater in Paso De Blas, Valenzuela City.

This time, PureGold and P&G brought the convention closer to Manila but delivers the same extravagant experience befitting a Puregold “Tindahan ni Aling Puring” GOLD member.

“The VIPuring Convention returned because the first one was so successful and truly made an impact on retailers and entrepreneurs. P&G and Puregold felt that it’s a good advocacy to make top store owners and entrepreneurs know how important they are not just to their immediate communities but also to the country’s economy. We will always be supportive of our partners and we will continue to equip them with the right tools and the right products that will help them grow their businesses,”

Raffy Fajardo, Marketing Director of P&G Distributing, Inc.

A major component of last Wednesday’s convention was the first-class, VIP broadway-themed entertainment that delighted the audience.  Joy with Olay’s The Kitchen Musical medley featured superb performances from thespians Christian Bautista and Karylle.  The Downy Mystique presentation dazzled the audience with Myxx Dancers’ masquerade production number.  Olay Total Effect’s The Little Mermaid medley featured the impressive performance of Ciara Sotto, while the Head & Shoulders PDA Comedy segment, headlined by the Aegis band, scored big and hearty laughs from the audience.

The whole event which started at 3 in the afternoon was hosted by funny man Ramon Bautista and Ciara Sotto.

CHINKEE TAN opened the convention with a brief discussion on CHANGE and getting a business UPGRADE.  Let me share to you some of the important points that he shared during the VIPuring convention and during our interview with him after his talk.

  • Change is the only thing permanent in this world
  • If you do not innovate you will evaporate – If you don’t change you will go extinct.
  • What to CHANGE? – 1) Smallness or ‘Tingi’ Mentality, 2) Negative Mindset, and 3) Poverty Mindset.
  • What you repeatedly say to yourself, you become.
  • What to UPGRADE in business? – 1) Way of thinking, 2) Products/Services (go premium), and 3) Capital.
  • Money can’t create wealth – Knowledge creates wealth
  • It’s not how much money you earn or save, but how much money you GROW.
  • Learn to read the handwriting on the wall before it expires.
  • Your desire to win or succeed should be greater  than your fears to succeed – If your fear is greater than your desire to succeed, you will definitely fail.
  • Money is only the result of a job well done.
  • Find something you like to do or passionate about, make winning your ultimate goal and your purpose is to be the best that you can be in what you do.
  • Transform your active income to passive income.
  • Make a lot of money by becoming a blessing to other people.
  • And remember, whatever happens on the exterior is a manifestation of what is happening on the interior.
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