Three-term AURORA Congressman and Team PNOY 2013 senatoriable SONNY ANGARA said that his son was bullied in school when he was just 4 years old.  Manolo, who’s now 8 was hospitalized because of that incident and the unsatisfactory response of the school to the incident led to his firm belief that an anti-bullying bill should also be a part of the education reform which he is an advocate even before entering congress.


Thus, he authored House Bill No. 5496 that will mandate all elementary and secondary  educational institutions to draw up an anti-bullying policy that will be implemented in their schools.  The bill is now on the hands of the senate for approval.

My son was bullied too when he was in second grade, that caused him to stop and skip a year of schooling and an irreversible damage to his self-esteem.  It was partly our fault since we were not able to detect the problem at onset, however, I believe that the school has much responsibility here since our children becomes under their care and protection when they are inside the campus.  I commend and fully support SONNY ANGARA with this bill.

Our conversation opened with this topic last Wednesday while having our meryenda at the Milky Way Restaurant in Makati.  It was a great opportunity to sat down and to get to know more about one of the youngest and also the busiest person in the Philippine political scene today since election date is just a few weeks from now.

SONNY ANGARA was awarded as one of the Philippine Jaycess Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) of 2010 for filing the most number of bills from the period of 2007 and 2010.  To date, he has already filed more than 200 bills pending in congress, authored more than 50 bills that has been enacted to law.  Also, 18 national laws where 10 of which he principally authored including the Magna Carta for Women, Pre-Need Code of the Philippines, Real Estate Investment Trust Act, National Cultural Heritage Act, Civil Aviation Authority Act, and Personal Equity and Retirement Account Act.

He is also one of the primary authors of the Domestic Workers Act and the Freedom of Information Act.

This may sound moot to other people and critics, however, the youngest member of the 2004 congress who started his career in politics at an early age of 32 considers all of these as a very fulfilling experience – and according to him, that was his main reason for filing his candidacy for the 2013 senatorial race.

SONNY ANGARA is the current chair of the House Committee on Higher and Technical Education and he plans to pursue all reforms in the senate.  His main thrust is to make quality education accessible to more Filipinos.  This was also his legacy in Aurora as its congressman.

He is one of the authors of the recently enacted Universal Kindergarten Education Act which provides free kindergarten education to Filipinos.  He is also currently pushing for the Unified Financial Assistance for Students in Higher and Technical Education (UNIFAST) Bill, which improves the college and university scholarship system of the government.  He is also advocating the passage of the Bill of Rights for New Graduates, which mandates government to provide support to new graduates in finding employment.

Currently ranked as number 12 in the latest Pulse Asia survey, Sonny Angara admits that all his successes may also be attributed with the support of her wife Tootsy, whom he considers as the one that puts the heart in most of his career decisions and work.

Here are some quick answers from the young senatoriable to the questions that were put on the table:

His views on Mining?

I am open to the idea but not in all areas.  There should be a limit.

His views on foreign ownership?

It should be on a case-to-case basis.

His views on Death Penalty?

I am anti.

His views on cybercrime law?

Maganda nung umpisa kaya namin ipinasa sa congress, madaming dinagdag kaya tingin ko kailangan i ammend.

His views of the Freedom of Information Bill?

I am for it.

His views on the current PAGCOR ‘Entertainment City’ project?

I am ok with it, since this will generate more jobs and income for our people.

His favorite political icon?

Manuel L. Quezon

Sonny Angara as a Politician?


Sonny Angara as an ordinary citizen?

Masunurin sa batas.

Sonny Angara as a family man?


Greatest controversy?

Wala naman, was criticized a bit during the Chief Justice Corona trial as the prosecution team’s spokesperson

Favorite Movie?

The GodFather

Last film watched?


Who would you want to play you in a biographical film?

I choose, Coco Martin of course.

If you’re not a politician, what would you be?

A lawyer, writer and teacher.  I previously taught law at the New Era University and Central Escolar University.

Team PNOY buddies?

Chiz Escudero, Allan Peter Cayetano, Riza Hontiveros and Bam Aquino

Ways to pamper yourself?

Eat all my favorite food.

SONNY ANGARA believes that his work is just beginning and there are still a lot to be done.  He cited Philippine tourism as an example.

“Marami tayong magagandang tourist spots, pero napakahirap naman puntahan.  Bukod sa kulang ang airports karamihan sa existing airports ay kailangan ng major rehabilitation.  Sa Aurora, maganda ang improvement when it comes to tourism but what we lack are hotel rooms.  And this is the same with other provinces.”  Sonny shared.

SONNY ANGARA was born on July 15, 1972, the second child of Senator Edgardo Angara and Gloria Manalang.  He shared that he has  a lot of uncanny similarities with his father.  Aside from being both lawyers, they both have the same passion which are education, and reading.  They are also both inately shy.  However, he stressed that he has more sense of humor than his father.

The young senatoriable has all the making of a great politician, and by that, I mean a great public servant.  He’s very intelligent and  I think that the country will benefit greatly from his experiences as a congressman in Aurora.  I believe that the country needs some new blood in government and I am seeing a lot of them stepping out and being heard.  All the best to SONNY ANGARA and all his undertakings.

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