Someone once said that a good day starts the night before, which is why a good night’s sleep is and will always be the barometer on how well your day will go.


SLEEP is probably the most vital, and yet the most neglected component in a person’s health and well-being. It has numerous holistic benefits that is rooted on the fact that it allows our body (and spirit) to repair itself, restore or to re-energize so that we can function at our full capacity after.

Imagine yourself like a smartphone whose battery is already spent and has to recharge. Getting to 100% or to full capacity is of course way faster when your phone is not used during the process – let’s all call that quality sleep.

And that is why getting a good space or a bed and mattress to sleep on is probably the best investment you’ll ever make to promote your overall wellness.

But sadly, only a few realize its importance.

So let’s start with the obvious question:

What are the known benefits of sleeping?

  • Sleep boosts the body’s immune system
  • Sleep facilitates the removal of toxins in your brain
  • Sleep improves your memory and brain function
  • Sleep reduces stress and puts you in a better mood
  • Sleep lowers your blood pressure
  • Sleep may help you maintain a healthy weight

That’s just some of the most obvious positive effects of sleep in our body and the lack of it for a long period may be detrimental to both body and mind.

Sleep Deprivation


According to a recent CDC report, sleep deprivation is slowly becoming a growing public health concern and declares sleep disorders a public health epidemic.

Insufficient sleep increases the likelihood of acquiring chronic diseases and has a direct relevance on an individual’s level of performance.

In addition to health problems, lack of sleep is also linked to road accidents, occupational errors, and other industrial disasters. It also increases the likelihood of an individual developing depression.

Quality Sleep

Sleep experts encourage us to do things that let our brain and body wind down as we prepare for slumber. Here are a few tips on how to get that quality sleep:

  • A clear mind and a more relaxed state should be our sleep goal and not the 8-hour requirement.
  • Sleep with the lights off or dimmed.
  • Try to avoid sweets and other substances (coffee, generally all kinds of food) that may produce a stimulating sensation an hour before bedtime.
  • Force yourself to wake up at a specific time regularly – lay off that snooze button and just get up.
  • Seek a little sunshine – it’s good for your body.  This also reminds you that there’s day for waking and night for sleeping.  Your body clock will get the idea sooner or later and dreamland will be yours.
  • Don’t take naps after 3pm and if you must take a nap make sure that it’s not more than 30 minutes.
  • Don’t sleep with your gadgets – that’s weird enough to hear.
  • Lastly, sleep on a bed where you can take your most comfortable sleep position.

Now why is getting a good mattress important?

Experts say that getting the right mattress is a very huge factor in promoting better sleep. Most adults only have a few couple of hours sleep in a day so why waste precious minutes tossing and turning in an uncomfortable mattress that you bought at a cheap price?

With all these taken into consideration, let me jus say again that getting the right mattress for your bed could be the wisest investment you’ll ever make in your life. The question now is how to choose the right one for you?

Here are a couple of tips I gathered from sleep and mattress experts:

Types of Mattress

There are so many types of mattress in the market today with varying costs. While the price tag for each type has gradually decreased through the years, the quality however improved with the availability of new technology that allows them to conform to the needs of different types of consumers.

Generally, we can differentiate these mattresses by what materials have been used or how it’s made.

These mattresses provide a different feel and texture depending on the materials used. For example, Latex is said to be cooler and adds more bounce but may be uncomfortable for some people. Foams may be the most comfortable and affordable but arguably lasts a little less longer than the Innerspring type.

And then there’s the size. All our lives we’ve known only a few sizes of bed mattresses exist and often choose from either single, double, queen or King. But now, we actually have a whole bunch options:

  • Crib
  • Small Single or Cot Bed Size
  • Twin
  • Single
  • Twin XL
  • Super Single
  • Double
  • Double XL,
  • Queen
  • Olympic Queen
  • King
  • California King
  • Texas King
  • Wyoming King
  • Alaskan King

And there are now bed mattresses specifically designed for RVs just like the Short Queen Size which is the most common size for RVs. It’s 6 inches shorter than a standard queen mattress, at 60 inches wide by 74 inches long. This extra space can help maximize the tight interior space of your RV, where every inch matters.

Different mattress, different brands, different price range. They have their own pros and cons, so don’t choose yet.

Firmness and Your Sleeping Position and Weight

Another thing you should take into consideration when choosing a mattress is your sleeping position because experts say that your sleeping position and weight will determine the firmness of the mattress that you’ll need to get that awesome sleep.

  • Side Sleepers under 130 Lbs – Medium Soft to Extra Soft (Firmness 2-4)
  • Side Sleepers Between 130 – 230 Lbs – Medium to Medium Soft (Firmness 4- 5)
  • Side Sleepers over 230 Lbs – Medium Firm to Firm (Firmness 6-7)
  • Back Sleepers under 130 Lbs – Medium Soft (Firmness 4)
  • Back Sleepers Between 130 -230 lbs – Firm to Medium (Firmness 5-7)
  • Back Sleepers over 230 Lbs – Extra Firm (Firmness 8-9)
  • Stomach Sleepers under 130 lbs – Medium Soft to Medium Firm (Firmness 4-6)
  • Stomach Sleepers Between 130 – 230 Lbs – Firm (Firmness 7)
  • Stomach Sleepers over 230 Lbs – Extra Firm (Firmness 8-9)

General rule is, the heavier you are the more you need a good firm mattress.


Now that you’ve taken into consideration your sleeping position and weight, as well as the size and type of mattress you’d want to sleep on, let’s talk about the add on features that might give you that extra convenience.

  • Usually choosing the right mattress may correct your mild back pains, but if that’s already a health condition, you might want to consider choosing a mattress that’s exactly made for that. Most of the time brands used the word “ortho” or “chiro” in their lines to emphasize this feature.
  • For added comfort, you might want to try mattresses that has either a Pillow Top cushion or those with airbed toppers.
  • Some mattress also sports water-proof and dust mite proof covers.

Now I guess the next question is ‘where to find or buy these good quality mattresses?’

A new mattress is really a huge investment but it will last you 5 to 10 years depending on usage and the type of mattress that you bought. The best way to save or get your money’s worth is:

  1. To make sure that you’re buying the right mattress for you and your family.
  2. To make sure that you’re buying from a trusted reseller or distributor.
  3. To try and buy when there’s a mattress sale.
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