“Today is a good day to DIE.” – Keiffer Sutherland (flatliners)

That phrase is so cool.

And I love the movie from where it came from.

Flatliners is a 1990 film by Joel Schumacher which stars Keiffer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin and Oliver Platt as medical students experimenting with near-death experiences and suffering the supernatural consequences.

In FaceBook, there is this Quiz App that tells you your approximate death age and how you’re going to croak. Of course, no one takes this seriously but it’s really fun to imagine if one could really know when you’re going to die and how.

Fun… but personally, I don’t really want to know. It’s too stressful for me.

Another movie about death is now showing – ‘The Final Destination’ which is the fourth and supposedly the final installment to the ‘final destination’ film series.

The film reminds us that some secrets or truths are best kept unknown.

If I have a choice, I would like to die in my sleep and at a time that I don’t know.

However, the thing that prompted me to writing this blog is the number of really famous personalities here and abroad who died this year.

I have listed here just some of the famous people who died from the start of the year to present:

Francis Magalona – March 6
The Philippines’ Master Rapper DIED of Leukemia
David Carradine – June 3
American Actor best known for the 70’s TV series Kung Fu and recently as one of the lead role in Kill Bill with Uma Thurman was found DEAD in Bangkok, Thailand hanged inside his room.
Farah Fawcett – June 25
American Actress best known for the 70’s TV series Charlie’s Angels DIED of Anal Cancer
Michael Jackson – June 25
American POP Icon ‘King of POP’ DIED of Accidental Drug Overdose
Corazon Aquino – August 1
Philippines’ and Asia’s First Woman President DIED of Colon Cancer
Kim Dae Jung – August 18
South Korean President and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient DIED of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
Ted Kennedy – August 25
US Senator from the Kennedy Clan DIED of Brain Cancer
Erano ‘Erdy’ Manalo – August 31
Executive Minister of Iglesia ni Cristo and son of founder Felix Manalo DIED of Cardiopulmonary Arrest
Patrick Swayze– September 14
American Actor best known for Dirty Dancing and Ghost DIED of Pancreatic Cancer

With the list of famous people dying this year, one can only wonder who else would join in death’s boat to make this year ever so memorable.

“This year is indeed a good year to DIE.”


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