Looking for work abroad or overseas? The chances of you landing in a job that matches your skills and preferences or your so-called “dream job” may not be that good.

The current system of recruitment used here in the Philippines, makes it hard for both applicant and employer to find their perfect match because they are not really given that much leeway or opportunity to get to know each other first before making a decision.

While there have been a lot of efforts of utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in making some of the recruitment process more efficient, reliable and safe – most of it are still pretty much “old school”, specially here in the Philippines.

An applicant goes through the following process:

  1. Passport
  2. Agency Seeking
  3. Preliminary Interview
  4. Validation of Documents
  5. Job Offers
  6. Interview with Companies
  7. Work Contract and Required Forms
  8. Visa Filing
  9. Deployment

But all that is about to change as more and more recruitment agencies in the country are finally opening its doors to more innovative solutions to make the process more simple and safer for both the employers and the applicants.

LINK ASIA Manpower Solutions Corporation for example has recently partnered with the company behind STERNA, an app made especially to ease the recruitment method by connecting applicants and employers more closer, direct and with just a few taps on your mobile devices.

Link Asia President Eric Corpuz, Sterna Head Bruno Paradis and Nilo Natanauan

Launched in Mexico back in 2017, STERNA is now being used in other countries like Columbia, Tunisia and Morocco.

This coming October, and through LINK ASIA as its local land-based recruitment and training partner, STERNA is poised to connect opportunities from Canada to the Philippines and directly through its app.

The app is expected to offer job opportunities from different industries such as Transportation, Health, Hotel and Restaurant, ICT and Industrial/Manufacturing.

STERNA are actually three (3) apps that are connected at real-time in perfect synergy:

  • STERNA Admin
  • STERNA (Main)
  • STERNA Client

There are also three (3) guaranteed benefits of using the app:

  • It’s multi-cultural from the ground – up.
  • It champions equal rights, clients are briefed and screened carefully.
  • It eliminates the risk of applicants falling into the hands of illegal recruiters.

The app is downloadable via the App Store and Google Play and is set to go live here in the Philippines by October.

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